Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 3, 2012

Hi friends & writers,

I have been rereading poets I love, something I often do in the spring. And today Wallace Stevens has ransacked my soul! I had never noticed how wintry his poems are – lines like “One must have a mind of winter…” and “It was snowing. And it was going to snow.”

Or perhaps I’m just reading him that way today. I love rereadings (often more than I love the first reading) for that reason: they change as we change.

I wish you a great week of readings, rereadings, and – of course – writings!



T.S. Eliot wrote that “Good poets borrow, great poets steal.” Inspiration can found by looking to the writers and artists we admire most, and “stealing” their words or images for seed material in our own writing.

Try this: Locate a piece of writing by a writer you really like. Find one line, in particular, that evokes something in you – and then steal it for use as a prompt in your own work. (pssst … today’s prompt is stolen from a Wallace Stevens poem!)


InfectiveINk.com is a prompt-driven fiction magazine… the idea being that each month’s offerings read like an anthology of different voices speaking about the same universal theme. From now until April 27, InfectiveINk.com is seeking fiction on the theme of “Dear John” letters.

Submission Guidelines here: http://infectiveink.com/guidelines.html


“It was evening all afternoon.” (9min)

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