Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 24, 2012

Hi friends & writers,

Is there is a writing or creativity workshop you wish to see offered? Do you have several creative friends with whom you’d like to write? Let me know if so! I would love to create a writing course for you, either at my studio or online. Please always let me know: Any other ways I can help address your writing needs?



Boy, we all know this one. Research shows that children who are told to make art and rewarded with recess enjoy the art-making less than the students for whom art is its own reward. Still … sometimes a reward is in order to entice the muse to join us at the table. 

Try this: What is on your “pleasure” list? Mine includes discount massages from the Milan Institute, anything from the Chocolat Bar, and having a cup of tea at a cafĂ© alone. Set one of your pleasures as a reward for an achievable creative goal, such as revising a poem, sending something out, or writing for several days in a row.


Bellevue Revue, named for the oldest public hospital in the United States, seeks writing that is creatively related to the themes of health, healing, illness, the mind, and the body.


Reread two older pieces of writing. Write the bridge between them. (11min)

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