Tuesday, August 21, 2012

August 21, 2012

Hi friends & writers!

I write this on the bed, with my sleeping dog next to me. Is there anything better? I’ll keep this short so that I can go back to enjoying her.

Wishing you wonderful weeks and happy writing!



Stitching is what I call the simple threadwork that connects two blocks of writing. Because I write in blocks, as opposed to chronologically, I inevitably find myself in the middle of a project with dozens (or hundreds) of bits of writing that are all part of the same story, but unconnected. These bits of writing range in length from a single sentence to several pages.

This is where stitching comes in. The trick, for me, is to think of it as a jigsaw puzzle: do the edges first, the beginning and end, looking for pieces that could belong there. Then I place the pieces in an order that makes sense, and finally stitch them together using transition sentences that link idea to idea, making them stack up and “fit.”

Try this: Read several earlier pieces you’ve written and place them together, looking for common threads.


Four times a year The Novella Project publishes a novella (the middle sister between a short story and a novel) in e-book form. Their preferred length for novellas is between 80-140 pages. This is an exciting variation on the literary magazine theme and a great opportunity for writers of longer work.


Write a few sentences of “stitching” between several related blocks of writing, trying to make them part of a coherent longer work. (10 min)

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