Tuesday, February 28, 2012

February 28, 2012

Hi friends & writers,

I’ve learned that some people who signed up for The Tuesday Writer are not receiving it. I’m sorry. Please try checking your spam folder first; if that doesn’t work, you can always read it via the blog: thetuesdaywriter.blogspot.com.

I hope this helps! Thanks again for reading and writing.



Oh, how some of us (including me) wish that a magazine editor would simply knock on our door and say, “Hey! I want to publish your writing!” But alas. It rarely, if ever, happens.

Here is a more likely route to publication: send five pieces of writing to five venues each. The benefits are many: it is easy to chart who is reading which work; most venues accept simultaneous submissions, so it increases the chance that one will love the piece and want to publish it; and finally, if all five venues pass on one piece, then the 5x5 system offers a known stopping point to decide whether to revise before sending the piece out to five more.

Try this: When you feel ready, pick five and go!


An established journal that showcases great writing & art, Zoetrope (est. 1997) seeks short stories and one-act plays (all under 7000 words). Snail mail only.

Submission Guidelines here: http://www.all-story.com/submissions.cgi


“A piece of advice I never trusted” (10min)

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